Many of us carry some extra weight and know it isn’t ideal for optimal health. Carrying extra weight shortens our lives. Visceral or abdominal weight is associated with insulin resistance and an array of metabolic and hemodynamic disorders, including hyperinsulinemia, atherogenic blood lipid changes, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. It often leads to being prescribed medications none of us truly want. Prevention can go a long way. Careful gradual weight loss under medical supervision can help us lower our risk.
You don’t need a fad diet or to start running marathons. There are evidence based ways to bring your weight down gradually to realize tangible health benefits. Our team can help you come up with a plan and implement it to reach your goals. Don’t spend your money on the latest weight loss craze. Invest in what works. Invest in you.
We combine lifestyle change, fitness, dietary adjustments, and where appropriate medical therapy to meet your individual needs. Try us. You might just get hooked on living and feeling better.